The college years are often seen as a transformative time, full of growth, discovery, and opportunities. It's the time to chase your dreams, explore passions and interests, and lay the groundwork for your future. But for many of us, it's also the time that crushing pressure and self-doubt sinks in...and this is fueled usually by unrealistic expectations of what it means to succeed. It starts innocently: a desire to do well. Maybe it’s maintaining a high GPA, excelling in organizations or extracurriculars, or being the "perfect" student, friend, partner, or roommate. But over time, this drive can turn into a toxic cycle where no achievement feels like enough. You ace an exam, but you’re already worrying about the next one. You land an internship, but you wonder if it’s impressive enough compared to your peers. This mindset leaves little room for celebration or self-compassion. Perfection is unattainable because it’s subjective. What one person considers “perfect,”...
"When Life Feels Messy..." is a multi-faceted project put together for TWU students, staff, faculty, and the community at large, with the mission to increase mental health awareness and advocacy. Join us each month as we delve into a new mental health topic and have those discussions that aren't the easiest to have. Interested in more content? Listen to our podcast at: