How many times have you been told to “Man up!” or “boys/men don’t cry”? When we really think about these commonly used phrases and zoom out at the bigger picture, we see a real problem with using this type of language. The problem being a society where being a “man” is correlated with toughness, resilience, lacking of emotions, being un-phased by things, and an example of "strength". Because of this, a huge stigma has developed for men to inadvertently build walls around emotional expression and vulnerability and feeling as though they are unable to genuinely tap into that part of themselves. The truth is, men feel just as deeply as anyone else, but the societal expectation to remain tough and unshaken often silences those emotions. But what’s the toll from this mentality? The pressure to appear strong and unemotional has real consequences. Studies show that men are less likely than women to seek help for mental health challenges, even though they are equally suscepti...
"When Life Feels Messy..." is a multi-faceted project put together for TWU students, staff, faculty, and the community at large, with the mission to increase mental health awareness and advocacy. Join us each month as we delve into a new mental health topic and have those discussions that aren't the easiest to have. Interested in more content? Listen to our podcast at: