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Showing posts from March, 2023

March 2023: Spring Break Doesn't Mean Study Harder and Longer...

Spring Break is approaching quickly and with that we know that exams are happening right before and after that week.  What we hear and see all the time is that this week that's set aside to "break" and recuperate from the stress of the semester in the first half, actually becomes the opposite.  More often than not, actually, Spring Break is seen as an opportunity to study EVEN MORE, and the idea of taking a break or doing something relaxing and caring for yourself is not even on the radar. Do we have to highlight what this mentality can lead to? You got it, BURNOUT.  You are already grinding and studying in your spare time during the busy part of the semester and go into overtime during this week and trying to catch up or get ahead of the game on learning and studying. Now...are we saying don't utilize part of the break to study or avoid studying at all? Absolutely not. Honestly, we can probably guess the thought of that made your anxiety sky rocket!  Studying during...