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Showing posts from October, 2024

October 2024: When YOU are the Manipulator/Gaslighter...

When we usually hear about manipulation or gaslighting, odds are it’s coming from the perspective of noticing when someone else is engaging in these tactics against you...but…what if, YOU   are the one engaging in these psychological tactics against others, intentionally or unintentionally? Both of these tactics are often associated with intentional, malicious behavior meant to control or harm someone. However, it’s possible to engage in these tactics without being fully aware of it. People may manipulate or gaslight unconsciously, driven by personal insecurities, past experiences, or even habits learned in childhood. Good news is that by taking the time to learn, reflect, and understand how these behaviors can arise unintentionally is the first step toward addressing them and fostering healthier, more honest relationships.   Before we dive into the reasons that can spur use of these psychological tactics, let’s quickly define these terms: Manipulation - when someone attempts