If we were to ask you right now to name one song that always makes you feel more positive, lighter, and calmer...what song would you share with us? Maybe even thinking about the song had a reaction for you or made you want to play it (which we highly encourage at any point!) Music is something enmeshed in our daily lives, but do you ever just think about the psychological impact it has on you? Well, buckle up because this blog post is ALL about the powerful connection between music and our mental health. A lot of research has come out about the link between music and brain/mental health and how listening and making music has been identified as a critical way to preserve and enhance our brain's health. This includes promoting mental well-being, increasing social connection, and stimulating thinking skills. And, yes, music can be a huge source of pleasure for us, but it also relaxes the mind, energizes our bodies, and can even help people manage pain. And if you r...
"When Life Feels Messy..." is a multi-faceted project put together for TWU students, staff, faculty, and the community at large, with the mission to increase mental health awareness and advocacy. Join us each month as we delve into a new mental health topic and have those discussions that aren't the easiest to have. Interested in more content? Listen to our podcast at: https://anchor.fm/when-life-feels-messy