Hey Pioneers! Welcome to April, the month dedicated to Sexual Assault Awareness. Sexual assault can be a topic that is difficult to talk about. Sometimes, you may wonder if what happened really was a sexual assault. You may question your memory or may even have no memory of the event. You may not want to believe that the other person involved would have wanted to harm you, or you may not even know them. A sexual assault happens when a person experiences unwanted sexual contact. It includes rape, but also other behaviors. Any touch that is not consented to and is done for sexual reasons is sexual assault. If you’ve experienced a sexual assault, or you’re wondering whether what you experienced was a sexual assault, it can be hard to know what to do next and who would be safe to talk to. You may feel very alone and like no one else could possibly understand what you’re going through or how you feel. You’re not alone; there are many resources available at no charge to help you process...
"When Life Feels Messy..." is a multi-faceted project put together for TWU students, staff, faculty, and the community at large, with the mission to increase mental health awareness and advocacy. Join us each month as we delve into a new mental health topic and have those discussions that aren't the easiest to have. Interested in more content? Listen to our podcast at: https://anchor.fm/when-life-feels-messy